Flemish Research Data Network (FRDN) : The Flemish Research Data Network (FRDN) develops the preconditions necessary to motivate and enable researchers from Flemish research performing organizations to exchange and reuse (FAIR) research (meta) data. This contributes to the integrity, quality, and efficiency of research and thus to accelerating innovation in society. The FRDN is a network of 36 Flemish research performing organizations who work together on Open and FAIR data. Important partners are the Flemish funding agencies and the regional nodes of European Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) : The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) aims to advance fundamental and applied marine biology and ecology research, while promoting the development of blue biotechnology. This is achieved by facilitating access to marine organisms and ecosystems, experimental facilities, technological platforms, and relevant services in its 32 marine stations and research institutes in 10 European countries including Belgium in support of robust and efficient research.

LifeWatch - Eric : Regional Lifewatch Node - Marine and terrestrial observatories, models and data systems.