
Conventions relating to github management

This document outlines the conventions for GitHub management, including:

Naming and Messages


  • Repository names should use kebab-case, which consists of all lowercase letters and dashes. For example, name-of-repo. Refer to Kebab case for more details.
  • Repositories should be tagged with appropriate topics in the about section (e.g., python, docker-compose, react, etc.). These topics can be used to filter repositories.
  • Releases should use git tags and conform to Semantic Versioning, using the format major.minor.patch without a ‘v’ prefix.
  • Each repository should include a LICENSE file. For source code, use the MIT license. For datasets, use the CC-BY license.
Specific rules for naming
Application Example Regex Rule
Python packages py-sema ^py-[a-z0-9\-]+$
GitHub Actions rohub-sync-action ^[a-z0-9\-]+-action$
GitHub Pages Actions space-to-pages ^[a-z0-9\-]+-pages$
RO-Crates observatory-bpns-crate ^[a-z0-9\-]+-crate$
Web components rocrate-preview-widget ^[a-z0-9\-]+-widget$


Each repository should have two default branches:

  • main: For release-ready code.
  • gh-pages: For documentation. This branch is automatically maintained by a documentation workflow.

Additional branches should be created for each change. The branch name should reflect the change, using the format {category}/{description}. For example, fix/connection_bug. The description should be a short summary of the change, using snake case

The category should be one of the following:

  • fix
  • feature
  • refactor
  • chore
  • docs
  • (add more if needed)


Commit messages should follow the Conventional Commits specification. The commit message should follow this format:

"<type>: {action} {what} {where} {why} "
ex: refactor: change args in funcA to allow tipehinting

The allowed types are:

  • build
  • chore
  • ci
  • docs
  • feat
  • fix
  • perf
  • refactor
  • revert
  • style
  • test

The Conventional Commits specification allows for additional information in the body and footer of the commit message.


Pull Request

Every code change should be made on a new branch and submitted as a pull request (PR). Direct pushes to the main branch are not allowed.

When opening a PR, provide a descriptive name (which can be similar to the branch name) and a description explaining the purpose of the PR. Use GitHub keywords if applicable.

Before a PR can be merged, it must:

  • Receive at least one approval.
  • Pass all checks, including:
    • Linting
    • Testing
    • Test Coverage

The commits within the PR should tell a cohesive story. Each commit should be clear, concise, and focused on a single change.


Python Projects
Typescript Projects