
D5.1 - WoRMS/LOD Gap Analysis

Marc Portier; Bart Vanhoorne; Laurian Van Maldghem; Julián Rojas; Joanna Marie Goley

maregraph vliz-openscience

This document prepares on deliverable D5.2 (WoRMS/LOD implementation) by listing up the essential parts that need to be developed together with some motivation and attention to important detail. It does so by considering the current state of the existing WoRMS data management system (Aphia) as well as the recently made available D4.1 (Architecture whitepaper) and the upcoming D3.1, D3.2 (Preliminary resp. Final Ontology design and development). It is targeted to be a clear guide towards implementation for the developers as well as a concise description of what services can be expected by consuming parties upon delivery of D5.2.

D4.1 - Architecture Whitepaper

Julián Rojas; Marc Portier; Bart Vanhoorne; Vidya Tarikere

maregraph vliz-openscience

This white paper provides a conceptual and technical background around the motivations for the conception of the MareGraph project. It also describes the rationale for the technical design choices made to support the proposed reference architecture that is detailed here. Finally, hints towards some open technical challenges.

The Mythical Data Lake

Portier, Marc; Rojas Melendez, Julian Andres; Ginane, Dorian

eosc_fairease vliz-openscience

This presentation is from the FAIR-EASE webinar held on 12 July 2023, 15:00-16:00 CEST. FAIR-EASE discussed the transformative journey from a 'data lake' to a dynamic 'data space.' Furthermore, the webinar presented a modern web-based perspective on this architecture, where the FAIR-EASE team's vision has been shaped by both the project's unique challenges and the insights derived from computer science research. It explored innovative approaches to federated queries on a distributed knowledge graph. Additionally, the webinar discussed Examind, and dove into a talk centered around geospatial interoperability.

The meetings purpose was to involve external communities, share the FAIR-EASE vision and objectives, and receive feedback.

The Open Science Initiative

Joanna Goley


Poster release for VLIZ Marine Science day 2023

DMBON Assistant publication

Bart Vanhoorne; Jan Seys; Jan Haspeslagh; Pieter Provoost

open data data management

DMBON is a tool to assist in the creation of a Data Management Plan (DMP). It is a web application that guides the user through the process of creating a DMP. It is based on the DCC DMPonline tool, but has been adapted to the needs of the Belgian marine research community. The tool is available in English.



Conference Proceedings

Same here for the conference proceedings ?

example 1 conf proceeding

example 2 conf proceeding

example 3 conf proceeding